Welcome to SNPMap


   SNPMap provides SNP queries with keywords, concepts, graphs, and related literaturess.

   Read about SNPMap: Liu, Miaosen et al. “SNPMap-An integrated visual SNP interpretation tool.” Frontiers in genetics vol. 13 985500. 19 Aug. 2022, doi:10.3389/fgene.2022.985500

Accepted Format Examples:
RSID:   rs334 ,   rs2234693 ,
HGVS (GRCh38):   NC_000001.11:g.11796321G>A ,   chr8:g.19956018A>G

Examples:    malaria ,   breast cancer ,   EGFR


SNPMap possesses adequate visualization tools to facilitate the understanding of SNPs. Keywords of each SNP and their connections could be viewed in computer-generated graphs, which intuitively present the concepts and and knowledge related to every SNP.